Sunday, July 11, 2021


 A rubber band is made to stretch,

But its power is to contract.

It is a close binder of goods--

It unites what it keeps intact.

Love is a binder of people--

It surrounds as a loving net.

It stretches around to include,

It contracts to make intimate.

We can resist it till it snaps

Or wear out its pulling matter--

One is painful, one exhausting,

And in the end we all scatter.

Sunday, July 4, 2021


 A small and languid river eddy

Swirls foamy bubbles round and round.

So slow, so weak, yet still it moves

The bubbles that to it are bound.

Some that break free and move along

Are snagged in yet another stall,

More slowly moving than the first

Where change comes hard or not at all.

Unhindered by the cloying banks

All this while the center flows--

A downhill slide in rippling chatter

As toward the sea it onward goes.

Road Trip

 Attired in myriad shades

Of green and asphalt

And sequined with bright splashes

Of reddish clover

And silvery maned grasses,

The countryside flashes by

As images of Magied camels

Compete with jaw-stretching yawns.

Time to change drivers.