Sunday, May 31, 2009


Is there anybody out there?

I'm sorry I can't hear you. Um. A little louder, please.

OK. No one's there.... I think.

Just in case, bye.


Kate said...

I'm here, I'm here!!

Sorry, I've been lurking rather than commenting.

Will you write more if I comment?

John Lynch said...

I'm here too!

Eric Lynch said...

Still following along.

Lisa said...

Just checking. Sometimes when you're in bloggerland, it feels like you're shouting on top of a lonely mountain, and your words are just echoing back at you.

John Lynch said...

Of course, this beats non-blogger land where you get to shout inside a small insulated box and nothing echoes at all. I find that 80% of my blogging is for myself. If someone actually reads it, so much the better.

Lisa said...

Yes, John, my blogging is mostly my own therapy, too. Once in a while it is comforting to know someone is listening.

Jeannie said...

*waves* I'm here, too! I don't comment often, but I do keep up.

Robert Lynch said...

Hello? Is there anybody in there?

Sorry, I know this comment may never be seen, but was I really the only person who feels compelled to mention that I'm comfortably numb after the first line of this post?

John Lynch said...


Bob, I think neither Eric nor I needs to be reminded what the opening lyrics to Comfortably Numb are, but I can guarantee you that we didn't think it was relevant given that Mom isn't a fan of Pink Floyd. Just saying.

Also, I would have thought of Is There Anybody Out There first, probably because it matches the opening line of the post word for word.

Robert Lynch said...

Yeah, okay, sorry. I guess I was expecting that someone might mention mom's word-for-word reference to Pink Floyd and was surprised not to see it. I went with Comfortably Numb because, as I know you know, the track before it ends with "Is there anybody out there?" and Comfortably Numb goes on to "Is there anybody in there?"

Lisa said...

I don't know any Pink Floyd songs. I did see your remarks, Bob. And comfortably numb... had me worried. Are you just quoting more lyrics or is there anything in that?

John Lynch said...

Bob's use of Comfortably Numb is indeed just quoting more Pink Floyd lyrics. Of course, the song he's quoting is from Pink Floyd's rock opera The Wall which tells the story of a how rock star's troubled upbringing leads him into a self destructive lifestyle and eventual insanity. Comfortably Numb is about his attempts to deal with the loneliness and emptiness of his lifestyle through drug use, hence: "I have become comfortably numb."

The song is unbelievably powerful, easily the best track on The Wall and maybe Pink Floyd's best song period. It manages to tie together the narrative taking place with some incredibly emotional lyrics and one of the most epic guitar solos in history. It both fits into the story and stands on its own.

In any case, neither the song nor the album can reasonably be seen to be condoning either the hedonistic life style of a rock star in general or drug use in particular. Since I don't think either of us are worried about Robert becoming a rock star and turning to hard drugs to cope with the pressure, I wouldn't worry to much about his bizarre propensity to quote song lyrics in unusual contexts.

Robert Lynch said...

Right. Not need to get worried. Let's not forget now, I am the Egg Man.