Sunday, October 13, 2013

Let the Party Begin

There is not a breath of wind. The trees stand perfectly still, silent and thoughtful. The dogwood, ever impatient, has shed its green gown for a red one. They are all like brides, awaiting the celebration--not ready to sport their wedding finery. But that glorious day is coming, and they will parade their colors in heady celebration. The party begins, the wind picks up, and the leaves begin to dance and swirl and fall, till the trees stand naked and exposed for a long and dark wedding night.


Robert Lynch said...

Mom, you're a great writer, and I think this the best thing I have ever read by you. Astoundingly beautiful and succinct.

Lisa said...

"Great" is probably a stretch, Robert, but I'm glad you enjoyed this little diversion.

L. H. Lynch said...

This is pretty awesome. :)

Patti Anne said...

I agree with your children, Lisa. This is a beautiful little piece. There is poetry in the prose. And I was just outside walking around enjoying the beauty and the breeze and the sunshine. Ah, Fall!